LOVE: the goal of life


Bhanusingher Padabali is one of the earliest works of our beloved poet Kabiguru Rabindranath Thakur. Srimati Radharani  the eternal Beloved – the ideal sweetheart – who fascinated the poet, not just in his early youth, but also in the mature years. The Philosophy of True Love took root in the poet’s heart when he studied the saint poets Joydeb and Vidyapati. The versatile poet not only composed the extraordinary vivid lyrics, but also the soulful music, as well as the dance.

This beautiful dance drama unfurls with the classic composition by Joydeb, while our very own Govinda das has the last word. It also includes a single composition by Vidyapati, that is the Vishwakavi's heartfelt tribute to the Vaishnav saint. Rest of the songs are composed by him.

The poet manifests before our wonderstruck eyes a most beautiful description of Vrindaban, with Srimati Radharani, the eternal Bride waiting for Her Lover in the nikunja mandir, holding a flower garland.

Suddenly thunderous clouds burst forth into torrential rains, and the Supreme Paramour does not arrive. Swaminijiu is so despondent that She yearns to surrender Herself in the arms of Death, whom She considers as Shyam Incarnate. Just as She is about to breathe Her last, Govinda turns up to sweep her into His arms. The jubilant sakhis burst into a merry dance singing "shunolo shunolo radhika, dekholo noyono chaahiya" (listen, listen O Radhika, open Your eyes wide and see who’s here), now a happy version of the song "shunolo shunolo baalika, raakho kusumo maalika" (harken O unfortunate maiden ! keep side the bridal garland, for Your Beloved shall not come), which they had sung in the throes of viraha. The blessed poet "Bhanu das" glues his eyes through the openings in the creepers to thirstily drink the divine scene.

The songs are very well rendered by the experts of Rabindra Sangeet. However what leaves an indelible impression on Vaishnav hearts, is, the rich sonorous and bhav-ful voice of Kazi Sabyasachi, the worthy son of the rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. The best part is that had we not mentioned the names of the composer and the narrator, all our Vaishnav counterparts would have discerened in all certainty that, it is a ras-venture by the most exalted Vaishnavs.

Download Part 1
Part 2
You can download this remarkable dance drama here:


One word of caution though - it is meant only for the very serious and advanced Raganuga Vaishnavs........................



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