ISKCON’s Krishna Leela Park!

Five thousand years ago, Gokul was the home to Krishna’s magical childhood where he performed innumerable loving pastimes. When Indra threatened the Vrajavasis with torrential rains, blasts of thunder and lightening, and the consequent over flooding of Yamuna – all to inundate the village, And if you were present there how would you experience all this????? And the relief the village residents felt when Krishna lifted the Govardhan Hill and protected them!

ISKCON Krishna leela park night view!

The proposed Krishna Lila Park will give such an experience to the visitors. The main complex building will be about 360 feet tall, with a viewing gallery at 500 ft level.

A labeled areal view!

This hi-tech amusement park to be constructed in Bangalore on 28 acre will be the 1st theme park in India with the quality of world class theme parks like Disney World and Universal Studios.

4-D Theatre view:
Advanced 4D shows!

Already Rs 4-5 crore has been spent on the design. The project will cost Rs 350 crore. Work on theme park to take off on, Sunday Jun 20th, 2010.

Kids zone:

Today, our childrenโ€™s minds are obsessed with Superman, Spiderman and such other characters and legends coming from the West.

Boat ride:
boat rowing pastime

Lets introduce the great characters of our Indian epics and instill in the minds of our children the deep values they represent, at a glance..:

Cosmic planetarium

Gorgeous  Planetarium!

The purpose of Krishna Lila Park is to present, preserve and promote the cultural heritage of India as described in the ancient Indian classics, to the contemporary society, in an interesting and captivating presentation. We want to impress upon the younger generation the glorious pastimes of our vedic heroes like Krishna, Rama and Hanuman.ย Today, our childrenโ€™s minds are obsessed with Superman, Spiderman and such other characters and legends coming from the West. We want to introduce the great characters of our Indian epics and instill in the minds of our children the deep values they represent. This is an unprecedented and historical project being attempted for the first time in our country.

The narrative strategy used known as technology assisted multi-sensory immersive and experiential story telling. This is the kind of communication strategy that the worlds best Theme Parks like Disney World, EPCOT and Universal Studios use.

14 thoughts on “ISKCON’s Krishna Leela Park!

  1. Radhe Radhe! A fun republic for Hare Krishnas! AMAZING work from ISKCON anyway! I love ISKCON for the efforts of spreading Krishna consciousness! ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Radhe! Radhe! I heard that the government of UP is planning to build a Krishna Theme Park in Brindaban. Personally I feel that Braj should be left alone and re-forested. At most, if any “tourism” is to happen there, it should be eco-tourism that is aimed at having outsiders come and plant trees and clean up the Jamuna and otherwise aid in returning Braj to it’s previous natural splendor where people can do bhajan in the bans and nikunjes.
  3. Radhe Radhe! UP? Krishna’s park? ๐Ÿ˜† Right now Mayawati is busy with her Ambedkar projects with all the funds (plus world bank loans) since 10+ years! We all know here that all other projects are brought to a halt whenever her govt comes & all the funds are drained into Her Ambedkar projects & dalit schemes…so what we can think of new projects? Moreover Ambedkar’s Buddhism never supported worship of Krishna! So how can Mayawati do? Ambedkar never liked reading Mahabharat & Ramayana even when his father would tell him to…
  4. Radhe Radhe V’jeet and thank you ! i m already fantasizing abt entering Kumbhakarna’s bowel ! Since Kumbhakarna and Muchakunda are my favorite characters ! ๐Ÿ˜† i don’t need to reveal the reason, do i ?
  5. Radhe Radhe! Be careful! You know how much Kumbhakarn eats, the three days he awakes! Despite the best safety standards, there can be another “Bangalore gas tragedy”, after 26 years of what happened in Bhopal. And you’re inside the volcano’s vent! I suggest you catch the fastest transport to Vasai after planting the fart-bomb there! Otherwise, you’ll be the first to get coma with NH3, H2S etc molecules in dreams… And don’t worry, the Indian judicial system is kind enough to keep you safe for another 26 years! After that you’ll be in ISKCON’s jail for 2 years & then you’ll be free! In the mean time, because you’re a devotee, ISKCON (rejecting all extradition treaties…) will keep paying compensation for the rest…
  6. Great, For 350 Crores you can build small 108 temples all across karnataka and spread prabhupadas messages. This is another money making venture in the name of krishna. Hare krishna.
  7. SIGH ! How much ever i wud LOVE to refute ur statement Dillo, i think you are …um…RIGHT !! ๐Ÿ™ But then, they may be – sorry – ARE doing it for all the wrong reasons, but all the same, the kids WILL benefit and enjoy, won’t they ? What to do ? Srimad Bhagavatam (12 th Sk) – is saying – “In Kaliyug, people like these will be considered the most religious.”…. ๐Ÿ™„ Radhe Radhe !
  8. Radhe Radhe! With formed devotees of about 250000+, temples developed around 6000, more than 350 centers, 60 rural communities, 50+ farms, 50 schools and 100+ restaurants all around the world & 320+ websites, do you think there’s any lesser effort they’re doing to preach the message? O dear, with whatever, (mix of real & unreal vaishnavism) an IIT-ian‘s mind can’t be expected to keep spreading plain-vanilla all the life everywhere in the world! With so much limitations in philosophy (put forth over them by their founders & their beliefs/interpretations/whatever), what’s harm if he’s trying to think more? ๐Ÿ˜Ž Those who think there’s deficiency of temples anywhere should go his home & knock his head though…before he commits suicide! ๐Ÿ˜†
  9. This effort will b the most appreciated one!!! great theme…if v spend money in places like disney land..y not krishna lila park!!! i think this’s the best idea to convey spiritual msg in materialistic style..:) ppl if cant practise true spirituality wil atleast stay in touch with our enriched culture and wil hence stay preserved or else in this kaliyug spirituality is at its breach…thnk u vishwajeet prabhu!!
  10. Radhe Radhe! When will this project really start. I have been hearing it for 3 years now… ๐Ÿ™„
  11. ๐Ÿ˜› I am eagerly awaiting for the d-day when its construction is completed and thrown open to the public. It will be a land mark in Bangalore. Hope no one from Bombay will lay claim on this Wonderland in memory of Lord Krishna, painstakingly built by ISKCON Bangalore under the able leadership of Sri Madhu Pandita Dasa. All the best for his efforts. Regards M K Vidyaranya Sr Journalist
  12. Does anyone has anyidea, as in Why There is a top notch builder developing his property in small portion of the land , meant for the theme park. Is it legal ? The building construction is in full sway, When will the krishna Leela park work begin.

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