Love-sleep !!

Meaning – Srimati Râdhârâni is saying –

“Dear sakhi, please don’t ask; no really, don’t ever ask how much my darling loves me. Even if I sacrifice my life for Him it will be not be a compensation for His love. He places me on His heart and never lowers me on to the bed from there. The entire night passes with our bosoms and faces on each other’s. Just in case I turn on my side, in sleep, He wakes up startled, and asks – ‘What happened……..what happened to You?’

I place my heart on His heart and my one cheek touches His one cheek; My nose touches His nose and one of my eyes touches one of His eyes.  Now if I heave a single sigh, it agitates and stresses Him so much that He sits up. In this manner we spend the night, and poet Gyân dâs says – the divine couple love-sports like this every day.”  


Nâ puchho nâ pucho sakhi piyâko pireet,

Porâno nichhaoni dile nâ hoy uchit.

Hiyâr upor hpoite sheje nâ showây,

Buke buke mukhe mukhe rajani gowây.

Nidrer alase jodi pâsh modâ diye,

Ki bhelo ki bhelo boli chamaki uthoye.

Hiyây hiyây ek boyâne boyân,

Nâsikây nâsikây ek noyâne noyân.

Ithe jodi mui tyajiye deerghanishwâse,

Âkul hoiyâ piyâ uthoye tarâse.

Emoti banchiye nishi, duh eek mili,

Gyâna dâs kohe oichhe niti niti keli.

3 thoughts on “Love-sleep !!

  1. POet Gyana das ! The post says so in the categories. Also it is very clear from the last line – “In this manner we spend the night, and poet Gyân dâs says – the divine couple love-sports like this every day.”
  2. Radhe Radhe! Saying from the heart: SOOOO SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!! It’s Yugal Kishor who make the whole leela sweet! 😀 Aside…their far deeper than expressed emotions… 🙄

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