शची मां कितने ही भुषणों से
सजा रही हैं गोराचांद को प्यार से ।
शची मां कितने ही भुषणों से
सजा रही हैं गोराचांद को प्यार से ।
Listen, O Beauty !
Meaning –
When Laadliji was in a maan, Kanhaiyaaji sent dooti (messenger-sakhi) to make peace. She approached Her and said –
Listen, just listen to me, O beautiful girl ! How much more mân will You … Read more >
Overcome with grief, Sri Krishna exclaimed, “How terribly sad! I had performed such remarkably sweet pastimes in Braj! How happy I was
Sri Krishna said, “Moreover when they can not see me, they are sometimes stupefied due to the blazing fire of viraha, at times they are almost dead, and at other times they become lunatic. Thus they attain all sorts … Read more >
We know that one cannot feel sweet or conjugal passion for Sri Bhagavân without the desire to make love
Sri Uddhav concluded by saying, “O my Master! When the other queens heard Rukmini Devi, they nodded
(Commentary—Rukmini Devi is saying that the Gopikâs are not interested in what happens to them in the life after. They have self-surrendered to Sri Krishna
Parikshit Mahârâj said—“Dear mother! Sri Krishna greeted His mother and addressed brother Baladev with respect. Then He stretched His hand
(Commentary – Sri Bhagavân is bliss personified and love offers the highest bliss. As a result, Sri Bhagavân is ever-anxious to relish
Seventh Chapter (absolute)
Parikshit Mahârâj said—”Dear mother! In this manner the entire Yâdav family started crying. Within a moment all universe became full of their heart-wrenching wails.